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Changing Your Career

Changing Your Career

Categories Featured, Fire Inc.
For many people today, changing careers is not all that uncommon. Remaining in a set career for thirty or forty years used to be the accepted norm, but nowadays making four or five career changes is yesterday’s news. So, how do you go about changing your career when you’re ready to move o ...
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Working for Small vs. Large Companies

Working for Small vs. Large Companies

Whether you are just entering the job market or are switching employers, it’s important to realize that there are some significant differences in norms between small and large companies. Being aware of these distinctions is a good idea when deciding what you’d like to do and where you’d like t ...
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How a Teacher Became a Millionaire

How a Teacher Became a Millionaire

It seems more common than ever that innovative individuals willing to work hard are finding success through the Internet. From blog writers to independent sellers, today more than ever, it’s possible to be your own main source of income. Recently in the news was the wild success of kindergart ...
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Advice for job seekers

Advice for job seekers

Recent and past college graduates are finding themselves out of work, making the competition tough and chances of getting hired slimmer than normal. But there are a few things you can do to put yourself ahead of the game when it comes to finding a new job. 1.     Narrow down your s ...
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Leading Ladies & Maternity Leave

Leading Ladies & Maternity Leave

As women continue to move into the business world, many leading ladies have found themselves with some tough decisions. In a previously labeled man’s world, women face a unique problem when deciding to build a family. Where it might be possible for a man to have a child and return to work a day or ...
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How to be successful in your first job

How to be successful in your first job

Whether this experience is positive or negative will depend heavily on your next steps. If you want to open the door for a continuing career, it’s a good idea to do your best to succeed in this first opportunity. Just like interviewing, you should arrive a little bit early and possibly leave ...
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Mistakes public speakers make

Mistakes public speakers make

Dr. Nick Morgan, author of Four Steps to Becoming a More Effective Leader, recently wrote about some of the worst lessons that public speaking classes still teach on his Forbes blog.  Morgan is a communication theorist and coach, with several books on speaking, leadership, and communications.Given ...
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What questions should you ask in an interview?

What questions should you ask in an interview?

One of the hardest parts of any interview comes near the end.  It’s when the interviewer steps back  and finishes with, “Do you have any questions?”The situation can be a little frightening, especially since this is one of chances that the job candidate has to show that they are smart, focus ...
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