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How to be successful in your first job

How to be successful in your first job

Whether this experience is positive or negative will depend heavily on your next steps. If you want to open the door for a continuing career, it’s a good idea to do your best to succeed in this first opportunity. Just like interviewing, you should arrive a little bit early and possibly leave ...
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How do you develop the best sales message?

How do you develop the best sales message?

Branding is an incredibly important step of the marketing process.  If you can’t figure out how to properly communicate your business to the public then not only will you find it difficult to acquire new customers, but you’re unlikely to keep the ones you already have.What makes a good sales me ...
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How do you handle rejection?

How do you handle rejection?

Every good salesperson knows that before they get a “yes” they’re going to hear a whole lot of “no”s.  Part of being good at sales means knowing how to overcome objections and keep positive, and it's one of the primary things we teach at Fire, Inc.  But just how are you supposed to accom ...
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Mistakes public speakers make

Mistakes public speakers make

Dr. Nick Morgan, author of Four Steps to Becoming a More Effective Leader, recently wrote about some of the worst lessons that public speaking classes still teach on his Forbes blog.  Morgan is a communication theorist and coach, with several books on speaking, leadership, and communications.Given ...
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What questions should you ask in an interview?

What questions should you ask in an interview?

One of the hardest parts of any interview comes near the end.  It’s when the interviewer steps back  and finishes with, “Do you have any questions?”The situation can be a little frightening, especially since this is one of chances that the job candidate has to show that they are smart, focus ...
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