Sometimes it seems like extroverts make the world go round. They are openly communicative, often very charismatic, and enjoy working with others much of the time. But what about those who prefer to work quietly, on their own, and often escape notice?


Introverts are often undervalued, though they are slowly becoming more and more recognized for their unique contributions in the workplace. Some of the world’s greatest minds were and are introverts: Albert Einstein, Steve Jobs, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, and Abraham Lincoln.


Some jobs work better for introverts than extroverts because they require more work in small groups or alone or focus in on complex problems. For example, Software Engineers (Computer Programmers) are often introverts in part because they are those people who enjoy working on computers and playing video games. They spend hours on end writing code—not exactly a social experience.


Accountants and Auditors also do much of their work in solitude. Financial records can be complex and often require long periods of extreme concentration to avoid making mistakes. Similarly, introverts make good Market Research Analysts. Telling companies how and where to sell products means staying focused, analyzing data, and preparing detailed reports.


Because of their enjoyment of solitude, introverts can make good artists. In this day and age, they can make a career out of it by focusing on graphic design. If written language is of interest, introverts might also consider working as translators (not interpreters). Their job requires a high degree of accuracy and, often, hours spent reading, translating, and checking their work.


The key thing to remember—whatever type of person you are—is that being an introvert doesn’t necessarily mean a person is shy or lacks confidence. Generally, it just means they prefer solitude and often work more efficiently on their own or in small groups. They often have great attention to detail and may be suited better to some jobs than others. And that’s just fine—the world needs all sorts of people.



Images Creative Commons, San Jose Library.
